Saturday, July 27, 2013

Status Update: Overwhelmed!!

I feel so overwhelmed tonight! I have so much going on right now and so much to think about. Tonight my parents started asking questions about college next year, and it is so much to try and think about right now. I feel like just not doing any of my summer school projects, not worrying about scholarships, and not trying to figure out how I am going to get everything done that I need to this month. a break sounds great right now... And a nap... I guess a few hours of shut eye will help me think straight tomorrow. Tomorrow! Yes. Almost forgot! Tomorrow there is a special sacrament meeting for almost all of the wards in the Billings Montana Stake- there are going to be major boundary changes. There has been such an influx of new members into our stake that they are having to create more wards and rearrange how the wards are laid out! I am having mixed feelings about this. My ward covers a huge part of billings, just because where I live there aren't a lot of members. Tomorrow, our ward is probably  going to be downsized considerable, which makes me very sad. I have a lot of great friends in that young women group, and most of them are probably going to be moved to another ward. At least I will see them fairly often, with seminary and such. I'm very curious to see what will happen tomorrow! 
I'm just going to end with one thought: I will definitely be relying on my Heavenly Father a lot this next year. I just don't think I will be able to handle all of the things happening in my life without His guidance, support, and comfort. I'll talk to you soon!

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