Friday, July 12, 2013

Heavenly Father's Watchful Care

     Until this summer, I don't think I've ever know just how much Heavenly Father watches out for each of us. That all changed a little over a month ago, on the first day of my summer vacation (June 4th). Now, for you to truly understand this story, you need to know a little bit about where I live. My family and I live on a 2.5 mile long dirt road a few minutes outside of Billings, and one part of it is winding across the top of hills, meaning there are drop offs on both sides of the road for a quarter mile. These have never scared me when I've driven since I see them every day. And now, for the story...
     It's the week before girl's camp for the Billings stake, and my two sisters and I are on the way to help our ward leader get ready for camp. After a crazy morning filled with excitement, chores, and getting ready, we are finally ready to go. But we are 1/2 hour late! In reality, this wasn't a big deal, but we wanted to get there as soon as possible. We rushed out of the house, hopped into our '96 Subaru Outback, and took of down the road about 5 mph faster than we souls have been going. I was driving. I didn't really think about my speed because Katie and I have driven fast on the dirt road before, and nothing has ever happened. When we reached the last 1/4 mile of the dirt road, we met the s turns, going a little faster than we should have. As I started to turn, I knew I was going too fast, and I could feel the car start to slide to the right. I tried to correct the slide, and ended up sliding the other direction! Both times we were so close to going off one of the drop offs that lined the road! As I tried to come out of the second slide, I over corrected, and we started to roll!!!! All I could think about was that We were going to die, and it was all my fault. Then the car came to a stop. Upright. Facing the road. I got out of the car to see the damage, and noticed that we had landed on the one part of the side of the road that we could land and survive. This was a miracle! We were about a yard from one drop off, and a few feet from another. And as my sisters got out of the car, we checked for injuries. The worst was an inch long scratch that was bleeding slightly. 
    Now, when people roll a car, most don't walk away, let alone with just scratches. And it wasn't by chance that we landed where we did. Heavenly Father was watching out for us that day. Now here's my final thought: Heavenly Father ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS answers our prayers. Not alway when we want. Not always with the answer we want. And not always in the way we think he will. But he will answer them. :)


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