Friday, April 26, 2013

Footprints in the Sand

Here's that poem I was talking about! It has really helped me and I love it!


This quote has helped me so much this week! Besides actually taking some tests, like the ACT, I've had lots of situations this  week that have been challenging. I know Heavenly Father is aware of me, though, and that he cares. He wants me to learn from my experiences and the only way I can do that is for him to step back a little and let me struggle. I will post a poem that I absolutely love that has also been great for me this week. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

One of My "Currant" Favorite Stories

I found this great talk by Hugh B. Brown in my email this afternoon! The Red Headed Hostess shared it on her blog, but it's also on I know this is a very very very short post, but I know you will get a lot out of this story without any help from me! Enjoy, and tell me what you think!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Picture That!

I am one of those people that loses everything! Usually in a very obvious place... and I find it like the day after I need it. I'm also one of those people that has a little clutter in my room, and I can find everything, but when I pick it up, I forget where everything is:)  I am in a very cool photography class, which focuses on using film, as part of my school classes. There is one assignment that is very difficult, especially for us students that have never used a film camera before this semester. I had to retake my pictures today because not a single one on my original film strip were even usable. So, my friend Kenna and I were in Pioneer Park, a park right behind Senior High School, and were taking pictures. I ran out of film on my roll, so I took that roll out and put a fresh one in. I put the first in my pocket to develop when I returned to class. After taking a few more pictures, Kenna and I returned to the photography class. Upon returning, I tried to take the film out of my pocket, but I couldn't find it!!! So, I   went back outside, hoping to maybe, possibly, find the missing roll of film. I figured it was a hopeless cause, because the park is huge and the film canister isn't that noticeable in the grass. I was looking... and looking.... and more looking.... and couldn't find it anywhere! And then: I saw it! A black thing sitting in the grass a few yards away, and it looked just like my film canister! When I reached it however, disappointment set in when I realized that it wasn't a canister, but a leaf. Yep. I was about to give up, when I decided it would be a good idea to say a quick prayer, asking Heavenly Father if He could help me to find the canister. I wasn't even sure if I would! But, when I looked up a few moments later, I saw it: clear as day, it was 100% my canister!       Moral of the Story: Heavenly Father definitely does hear and answer every single prayer of ours, no matter how silly or dumb the request is. Also, if you try your best, Heavenly Father will help you. Give it a try! I dare you:) 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

2 Great Quotes

President Hinkley was so amazing! I absolutely love this quote of his.

This makes you think... Have I REALLY done any good in the world today? Hmmmm.....

Catch the Wave

Today I was thinking about all of the amazing and inspiring talks that we heard on Saturday and Sunday from the great leaders of the Church. In my early, early, early, early morning seminary class (6:00!) the teacher asked what our favorite talks was. Mine was Russell M. Nelson's talk: Catch the Wave
   Why, you may ask, is this your favorite talk? It answered one big question I've had about going on a mission, and helped me to see that I can go on a mission! I was wondering if I would serve a mission. I was considering what I would do, because I will have a whole year after I graduate until I can go on a mission. I wasn't sure if I would be able to attend college for a year and go on a mission, and then afterwards come back and still have my spot in the school with all my scholarships. This is really important to me and this question has been on my mind for quite a while. Elder Nelson answered this question almost completely when he said:  "Young men and women, your education is ever important—to us, to you, and to God. Where feasible, if you wish to attend a college or university after your mission, we encourage you to apply to your institution of choice before beginning your mission. Many institutions of higher learning will grant an 18- to 30-month deferral to prospective missionaries. This will enable you elders and sisters to serve without worrying about where you will begin your advanced education." 

I realized how inspired all of the church leaders are, and that if we ever have questions, when we listen to them speak or read a talk by them, we will find something to help answer our questions. Was there a question you had that was answered during conference?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Yep... That's Me

I'm just a regular teenaged girl. I'm 5' 8". I hate drama. I love Basset Hounds and German Shepherds. I want to be an interior designer. I'm crazy. I'm spastic. I love to learn. I could quote you every line from Napoleon Dynamite and Tangled. I try to look at the silver lining, but sometimes I can't find it. I love most music, but not rock or opera. I have mostly straight A's. I smile. I laugh. I'm unique. I'm decent at a good amount of things and okay  at the rest. I can sort of cook. I love the colors green, purple and blue. I love my friends. I text a lot. I've been told the best thing about me is my eyes. I've also been told I'm funny, but I don't try to be. I'm one of those people who will try to sit back and watch others, and only say something when I actually have something to add to a conversation. I am an active LDS member and I love it with every fiber of my being. I. Love. Hugs. (Just sayin'). The best candy on the planet is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I have rock hard abs, if you can find them in there somewhere. This is me!

The Key to Playing Piano

Today was the district music festival in Billings. I was involved in accompaniment for a couple of pieces, and played a duet with my wonderful twin sister, Katie. Before going to perform, though, I was nervous to perform, like always! haha. I decided it might be a good idea to see if I can find a scripture to help me feel relaxed about performing, but I was like 'Yeah right, there will TOTALLY be a scripture on playing the piano-NOT!' But to my great surprise, I opened up to Alma 32:9, which says:                                                                                                                             

  *"But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of the soul."*                                                                            

I guess it's true: If you are having ANY problems or ANY questions, you can always find an answer in the scriptures!:) After finding that scripture, I felt much more comfortable with performing and not so nervous. I challenge you to take any questions you have to the Lord and the scriptures, and I promise that you fill receive answers. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ah... New Things!

So, this whole blogging thing is very new to me. I guess I got inspired to start one when I decided that I want to go on a mission. I have no idea what I need to do to prepare to go on a mission, so I figured not many other young girls do either! So... aside from my general posts, I want to add stuff that will be helpful for other young women that want to serve the Lord. This is one of my favorite quotes from Sister Elaine S. Dalton, who was just released as the General Young Women's President yesterday in General Conference. She has made a huge difference in my life with her amazing talks and her love for the gospel. Bedifferent-magnet_detail